Specializing in Self Esteem

In person and telehealth therapy for self esteem in Charlotte, NC

Has your big-hearted nature left you feeling like you’re running on empty?

Maybe you’re here to grow — or maybe you’re growing resentful in some of your closest relationships. You may be finding that you’re overcommitting yourself or that you struggle to name your boundaries and needs altogether. Perhaps you’re feeling undervalued, or downright ready to start treating yourself the way you treat others.

Whatever it is that you’re experiencing, you’re beginning to notice the impact of this in every facet of your life:

  •  Struggle to make daily decisions for yourself - second guess your opinions, beliefs and capabilities

  • Self care is minimal to non-existent   

  • Keeping the “mask” on your emotions in front of others is getting more and more difficult. 

  • You maintain relationships that drain you more than they fill you 

Self esteem therapy can help.


It may feel impossible now, but you can come trust your inherent worthiness and value. You can detach from being dependent on others’ approval. You can unapologetically honor your true self and embody self compassion.
And I can help you get there.

Self esteem therapy helps you do 4 things:

  • Have a better understanding of your internal navigational system - your emotions and bodily sensations 

  • Get to the core beliefs that have been holding you back from your strongest self.

  • Reconnect with a self compassionate acknowledgment of your worth 

  • Learn the skills to help protect your true value so you can live a self directed life, rooted in clarity and confidence. 

I’ll help through this process, tailoring each step to your unique needs and circumstances. My approach to self esteem therapy comes from a place of gentle strength/quiet confidence: believing that you have everything you need within you to navigate this life beautifully, but that we simply need to untame the power, light, and clarity that lies within.


It’s time to set roots in love and confidence.

I can help you get there.

We’re wild by nature - build a relationship with the bold, brave, true you.